?Are you interested in agricultural fertilizers

Still, you need to know a lot about urea fertilizer


Urea manufacturing process :

Urea is made when carbon dioxide reacts with anhydrous ammonia. This process occurs under intense pressure at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. The urea is processed in the form of granules or solid pellets known as granules. Dry urea is very soluble and must be kept away from moisture until use.


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Stages of decomposition of compost in the soil :

-          It is white yellow granules that are easy to spread and dissolve in water.


-          With the presence of water in the soil, the urea enriches the soil and the soil is saturated with the organic matter present in the compost within 3 days of rich and active, while from 7 to 8 days in weak soils poor for organic matter.


-          Then the ammonium carbonate begins to decompose into carbon dioxide and eventually turns the ammonia into the form of nitrate, which is the form that plants can benefit from, and from ammonia to nitrite into nitrate.


Note: The process of decomposition of urea in the end depends on the type of soil, the temperature of the soil, and the amount of urea that has been put into the ground.

How to use urea fertilizer correctly :

-          It is preferred when using in cold air, as the lower the temperature, it lasts in the soil for a longer time, on the contrary, if the temperature is high, the urea breaks down and loses the active organic matter that the plant benefits from.


-          And if you are going to use urea to fertilize the soil in order for the plant to benefit from it, then urea basically turns into nitrate, but when you plant the land for the first time, you must put a fixative substance such as urea, which reduces the conversion of urea to nitrite, so that the urea remains in the ground until the plant is grown and the plant absorbs. For urea and benefit from it.



-          It is preferable when planting to put urea next to the root of the plant in order to benefit from it.


-          And since urea contains ammonia gas, which is the active substance in it, and because it is a gas, it volates, so the urea must be used on wet ground and moist soil.



-          After that, the top layer of soil, which is the top layer, is plowed in order to incorporate the compost into the soil.


-          The quantity needed for each type of plant and agricultural crop that you will cultivate must be known, as some need a large quantity and some need less.



-          Urea fertilizer must be distributed on the soil appropriately to prevent an increase in the concentration of ammonia, thus creating a toxic area around the plants, and they die.

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For inquiries, call: +2 01001428168 / +202 26126800
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Benefits and advantages of urea fertilizer :

-          The main task of urea fertilizer is to help the growth of green parts in the plant, and it also helps the plant to photosynthesize.

-          Urea fertilizer is the cheapest, best and strongest nitrogen fertilizer, as it contains 46% of nitrogen.

-          It can be provided and used as a natural fertilizer and it can be manufactured and produced because the production cost is low compared to the rest of the fertilizers.

-          The fertilizer that has been manufactured and produced is inexpensive and non-flammable, so it is easy to store.

-          Urea fertilizer is suitable for all crops and plants, and also for all kinds of soil and its damages are counted on the fingers because urea has a neutral pH, so its harm is not so much on crops.


Other uses for urea :

Urea fertilizer is one of the most common fertilizers in improving and repairing the soil and also raising the quality and yield of the agricultural crop. Fertilizer is available in all agricultural stores and is present in large quantities. It is not used as fertilizer only, but can be used as an industrial product as livestock feed, and it is also included as one of the components of the food and animal feed industry.


Here comes the role of International Traders Company. It exports fertilizers, especially urea fertilizer used in agriculture, to major markets around the world.

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For inquiries, call: +2 01001428168 / +202 26126800
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