
  What is NPK ? It is a compound fertilizer consisting of three very important elements for the plant, namely: N (nitrogen) works to increase the vegetative growth of the plant - P (phosphorus) helps stimulate the growth of roots - K (potassium) has an effective role in flower formation, fruit holding and growth, NPK fertilizer is the most popular and widely used fertilizer in the world of agricultural fertilization. For inquiries, call: +201001428168 / +20226126800 The importance and effect of NPK fertilizer on plants NPK fertilizer contains the three major elements that nourish the plant, and these elements are naturally present in the soil, but in varying proportions and sometimes in a form that is difficult for plants to absorb, but in limited crops such as growing balconies and rooftops, the plant (ornamental plants) is depleted. And fruiting plants) these elements quickly, so it is necessary to fertilize with NPK periodically and systematically to maintain the good grow...
? Are you interested in agricultural fertilizers Still, you need to know a lot about urea fertilizer   Urea manufacturing process : Urea is made when carbon dioxide reacts with anhydrous ammonia. This process occurs under intense pressure at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. The urea is processed in the form of granules or solid pellets known as granules. Dry urea is very soluble and must be kept away from moisture until use.   for more details For inquiries, call: +2 01001428168 / +202 26126800 Or visit our website: Or our Facebook page: Stages of decomposition of compost in the soil : -           It is white yellow granules that are easy to spread and dissolve in water.   -           With the presence of water in the soil, the urea enriches the soil and the soil is...